Example Condition AppleScripts

This How-To will show several common and useful AppleScript Condition scripts. Most will run correctly if you just paste them in to the “If script returns true” text field in the Conditions tab.

-- Get the current hour
set theCurrentHour to hours of (current date)

-- compare it to see if it's in one of our ranges - between 8am
-- and 10am OR between 4pm and 6pm
-- Note, the number that is stored in theCurrentHour will be 0-23
if (((theCurrentHour ≥ 8) and (theCurrentHour < 10)) or ¬
	((theCurrentHour ≥ 16) and (theCurrentHour < 18))) then
	return true
end if
return false
return (on state of device "Office Lamp")
return not (on state of device "Office Lamp")
-- I/O devices can have multiple inputs, so you have to get
-- the list of inputs first. For the I/O link, it only 
-- has one, so we just look at the first one in the
-- list.
set theList to binary inputs of device "Garage Door"
return item 1 of theList
	with timeout of 1 second
		tell application "System Events"
			if (get name of every process) contains "iCal" then
				return true
			end if
		end tell
	end timeout
end try
return false 
set theCurrentHour to hours of (current date)
if ((theCurrentHour ≥ 8) and (theCurrentHour < 16)) then
	set theList to binary inputs of device "Garage Door"
	if ((item 1 of theList) and (value of variable "alarmStatus" = "away")) then
		return true
	end if
end if
return false
return (not (on state of device "Office Lamp") and (value of variable "isDaylight" = "false"))