Action Groups

At the moment, editing of action groups is fairly limited and you can't actually create new action groups (aside from duplicating an existing group). We will eventually add this functionality but so far demand has made it a lower-priority item.

Class Properties

Property Type Writable Description
description string Yes description of the action group
folderId integer No unique ID of the folder this action group is in
id integer No a unique id of the action group, assigned on creation by IndigoServer - not available in AppleScript
name string Yes the unique name of the action group - no two action groups can have the same name
remoteDisplay boolean No True if this action group is shown in remote clients, False otherwise

Commands (indigo.actionGroup.*)

The commands in this section are common to all triggers regardless of type.


Delete the specified action group.

Command Syntax Examples
Parameter Required Type Description
direct parameter Yes integerid or instance of the action group to delete

Display In Remote UI

This command will show or hide the action group in remote clients.

Command Syntax Examples
indigo.actionGroup.displayInRemoteUI(123, value=True)
indigo.actionGroup.displayInRemoteUI(123, value=False)
Parameter Required Type Description
direct parameter No integer id or instance of the action group
value Yes boolean True to show the action group or False to hide it


Duplicate the specified action group. This method returns a copy of the new action group.

Command Syntax Examples
indigo.actionGroup.duplicate(123, duplicateName="New Name")
Parameter Required Type Description
direct parameter Yes integer id or instance of the action group to duplicate
duplicateName No string name for the newly action group trigger


Execute the specified action group.

Command Syntax Examples
Parameter Required Type Description
direct parameter Yes integer id or instance of the action group to execute

Move To Folder

Use this command to move the action group to a different folder. You can get a list of folder id’s by using indigo.actionGroups.folders, which will return a dictionary. The key to the dictionary is the ID, the value is the folder name.

Command Syntax Examples
indigo.actionGroup.moveToFolder(123, value=987)
Parameter Required Type Description
direct parameter Yes integer id or instance of the action group
value Yes integer id or instance of the folder to move the action group to
indigo_7_documentation/action_group_class.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/26 00:10 (external edit)

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