Table of Contents

The Indigo Reflector Service

About Reflectors

Indigo Reflectors are a service that gives you secure (HTTPS) remote access from anywhere to your Indigo Server with no network configuration needed. This is particularly useful for those of us that have dynamic (vs. static) IP addresses at home, or that have routers or networks that are difficult to configure for remote access to your Mac running Indigo.

Reflectors work by routing communication from Indigo Touch for iOS, Domotics Pad for Android, Indigo Touch for Web browsers, and from external services like Amazon Alexa, through our hosted systems to your Indigo Server. We do this through a secure tunnel between our hosted systems and your Indigo Server (even we don't see the unencrypted traffic).

Your purchase of Indigo includes an Indigo Up-to-Date subscription, which itself includes reflector access. If you have an active Up-to-Date subscription, you can have a reflector!

Reflectors provide:

Activating your Reflector

Activating a reflector is fast and easy. First, make sure you are running Indigo version 7.0.0 or greater(both client and server – check the About Box). Next:

  1. Choose the Indigo→Start Local Server… menu item.
  2. Turn on the Allow remote access checkbox and enter a User name and good Password. You will *definitely* want password authentication on since you are about to enable access to the Indigo web server from the Internet.
  3. Turn on the Enable secure internet access via Indigo Reflector checkbox.
  4. Press the Activate Reflector button.

A browser page will open to the page listing your registration codes.

Once on the registration codes list page, you'll see a message to click the Create Reflector link next to your Indigo registration code. Click on that link and you'll switch to the Reflectors page with a form field to enter your reflector name. When you submit that we will create the reflector, activate it, and take you back to the codes page which will show your reflector activated.

Lastly, switch back to the Indigo Start Local Server… dialog. It should now show that the reflector status is activated and will show a link to your new reflector URL. Press the Start Server button and that is it – Indigo will restart and automatically connect to your reflector! To access from the web, simply go to

You can now access Indigo web pages from anywhere using your personalized URL. No firewall settings changes, router port forwarding, etc. is needed. And even if your IP address changes, Indigo will automatically make sure that a new connection is re-established within just a few minutes.

Your reflector will be active as long as you maintain an active Indigo Up-to-Date subscription.

Reset Your Reflector's Activation

If you are switching to a different reflector that you've asked us to create for you, or you've been instructed by support to reset your current reflector's activation, then follow these steps:

  1. Shut down the Indigo Server (select Indigo 2022.1→Stop Server) but don't quit the Indigo Client
  2. Switch to your browser and log out of your Indigo Account
  3. Go to the reflector list in your Indigo Account (you'll need to log back in) and click the Reset link beside your reflector's status (it should say Activated before your press Reset)
  4. Switch back to the Indigo Client and click on the Start Local Server button

You should now see an Activate Reflector button towards the bottom of the dialog. Click that, log in to your reflector account, and select the appropriate reflector. If the reflector you want to use doesn't show in the list of inactive reflectors, contact us with the name of the reflector you're trying to activate and what steps you've performed.

Manual Reset

If the procedure above doesn't work, and ​only ​if instructed by support, follow these steps to manually reset your Indigo Client reflector settings:

  1. Shut down the Indigo Server (select Indigo 2022.1→Stop Server) but don't quit the Indigo Client
  2. Switch to your browser and log out of your Indigo Account
  3. Go to the reflector list in your Indigo Account (you'll need to log back in) and click the Reset link beside your reflector's status (it should say Activated before your press Reset). If the reflector has already been deactivated that is fine – just skip this step.
  4. In the Finder, select Go→Go to Folder…
  5. In the resulting dialog, copy and paste the following: /Library/Application Support/Perceptive Automation/Indigo 2022.1/Preferences/
  6. In the resulting Finder window, delete the folder named PrismReflector
  7. Switch back to the Indigo Client and click on the Start Local Server button

Indigo Touch and Your Reflector

Indigo Touch for iOS is transparently integrated with the Indigo Reflector service. When you use your iOS device (iPhone, iPad, etc.) to connect to Indigo while in your house (and on your local Wi-Fi network), Indigo Touch will automatically retrieve and remember your reflector address. You can press the settings (gear) icon on the top toolbar then find the Reflector item near the bottom to verify that it is working correctly.

Once Indigo automatically detects your reflector address, it will seamlessly change between using the local Bonjour detected address and the remote reflector address. Just launch Indigo Touch and it works, no matter where you are!

Bandwidth Limits

Because using a reflector has to bounce all requested files to and from our server, monthly bandwidth usage cannot be unlimited. Reflectors that exceed an average bandwidth of approximately 200 MB per day may have temporary limitations or throttles imposed, but a vast majority of the time bandwidth is not an issue. There are a couple of things that can lead to excessive bandwidth usage. So please consider:

Note these usage suggestions only apply to connections when a reflector is being used. If you are directly connected to your Indigo Server on your home network or not using a reflector then the bandwidth isn't going through our servers and you can have Control Page images refreshed as frequently as you would like.