API v3.1 Release Notes

This version of the API shipped with Indigo 2022.1.2 - check the API Version Chart to see what version of the API is available in which Indigo versions.

  • Added optional Devices.xml node attribute allowUserCreation (defaults to true) that can be set to false to prevent the device from showing in the new Device dialog UI model popup menu. This is useful if your plugin is dynamically creating devices (but not using the DeviceFactory technique) and you want to prevent the user from being able to manually create them. Example usage in Devices.xml:
  <Device type="dimmer" id="myPluginDimmerType" allowUserCreation="false">
  • /www/perceptive/wiki/data/pages/api_release_notes/3.1.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/27 00:08
  • by