User-contributed Developer Information

This section of the wiki is for the developer community to contribute helpful information to others looking to develop scripts, plugins, clients, etc. It's not meant to replace the Extending Indigo forum, which are more for question/answer interactions. Rather, it's a place for more formal and formatted articles can be placed: how-to's that focus on developer specific tasks as an example.

Here's a list of starting points into the content:

Here are a couple of articles that talk about using GitHub specifically with Plugin development:

The developer section is open to anyone who wants to contribute. We've turned back on the self-signup, so if you don't already have an account on the wiki just sign up for one. To get write access to this section, send a request to and we'll update your permissions. Be sure to include your wiki user name.

  • /www/perceptive/wiki/data/pages/developer/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/06/27 00:08
  • by