Advanced PowerLinc Options

Indigo provides some advanced options for the various PowerLinc INSTEON interfaces. Select Configure… from the Interfaces→INSTEON/X10 Power Line menu, then (assuming you have a PowerLinc interface selected) click on the Interface Options… button. You'll see the Advanced PowerLinc Options dialog:

The first two options should always be checked by default - you really only want to disable those options if the Indigo Support team recommends it.

From this dialog, you can also perform some other link syncing operations:

  • Start/Stop Link Sync (same as using the menu items on the Interfaces→INSTEON/X10 Power Line menu)
  • On your PowerLinc, you can clear all of it's internal links, read all the links, and sync links. You normally won't use these options unless instructed by Indigo Support
  • You can completely reset your PowerLinc and resync the links all in one go - this is roughly synonymous to doing a factory reset, but not quite. Indigo support will often recommend doing a factory reset vs using this option because the factory reset performs some actions that we can't do through software.
indigo_2021.2_documentation/advanced_powerlinc_options.txt · Last modified: 2021/11/12 17:10 (external edit)

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