
HomeSeer is the maker of a variety of home automation products. On this page we'll focus on it's Z-Wave devices


This is HomeSeer's USB Z-Wave interface which supports Z-Wave Plus (Gen5).

It will be found by the built-in macOS modem driver, so no 3rd party drivers need to be installed. It will show up as usbmodemXXXXXXX where the XXXXXXX is a number derived from the USB port it's plugged into. Note that it will change if you move it to a different USB port so you'll need to reselect in the Z-Wave config dialog if you do.

Device details

HS-WD100+ Dimmer Switch

This switch's basic on/off/dim functionality should work with Indigo 6. Indigo 7+ contains the following device specific support.

Configuration Options

  • Reverse switch controls - reverses the on/off ends of the paddle
  • Local dim delta - sets the amount of dim change used for each dim step while being locally controlled
  • Local dim timer - sets the delay between dim step changes while being locally controlled
  • On/Off dim delta - sets the amount of dim change used for each dim step when receiving ON/OFF dims
  • On/Off dim timer - sets the delay between dim step changes when receiving ON/OFF dims


  • Button pressed
  • Button double tap
  • Button triple tap
  • Button held down
  • Button released

Device details

HS-WS100+ Relay Switch

This switch's basic on/off functionality should work with Indigo 6. Indigo 7+ contains the following device specific support.

Configuration Options

  • LED mode - changes how the LED on the switch works: Nighlight (on when device is off), Mirrors load (on when device is on), Off (never turns on)
  • Reverse switch controls - reverses the on/off ends of the paddle


  • Button pressed
  • Button double tap
  • Button triple tap
  • Button held down
  • Button released

Device details

zwave_devices/homeseer.txt · Last modified: 2019/01/26 00:10 (external edit)

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