
The folder class represents a folder in the various Indigo user interfaces (Mac client, Indigo Touch, web, etc.).

Class Properties

Property Type Description
id integer the unique id of the folder, assigned on creation by IndigoServer
name string the name of the folder - no two folders in the same namespace (i.e. indigo.devices) can have the same name
remoteDisplay boolean should this folder be displayed in remote clients (IWS, Indigo Touch, etc)

Commands (indigo.*.folder.*)

The commands to manipulate folders are within the object lists defined in the IOM Overview page (indigo.devices.folder.*, indigo.variables.folder.*, etc).


Create a folder. This method returns a copy of the newly created folder.

Command Syntax Examples
indigo.variables.folder.create("Folder Name Here")
Parameter Required Type Description
name Yes string the name of the folder


Delete the specified folder.

Command Syntax Examples
indigo.devices.folder.delete(123, deleteAllChildren=True)
Parameter Required Type Description
direct parameter Yes integer id or instance of the folder to delete
deleteAllChildren No boolean a boolean to specify whether all objects contained in the folder should be deleted as well - defaults to False


Duplicate the specified folder. This method returns a copy of the new folder.

Command Syntax Examples
indigo.controlPages.folder.duplicate(123, duplicateName="New Name")
Parameter Required Type Description
direct parameter Yes integer id or instance of the folder to duplicate
duplicateName No string name for the newly duplicated folder

Get ID

Returns the ID of the named folder under the specified object type (device, trigger, etc).

Command Syntax Examples
indigo.device.folders.getId("Some Folder Name")
Parameter Required Type Description
direct parameter Yes string name of any folder for the specified object type.

Set Remote Display

Use this command to set the remote display flag for the folder.

Command Syntax Examples
indigo.devices.folder.displayInRemoteUI(123, value=True)
indigo.schedules.folder.displayInRemoteUI(123, value=False)
Parameter Required Type Description
direct parameter Yes integer id or instance of the folder
value Yes boolean True to display the folder on remote user interfaces or False to hide it


# create a new variable folder
newFolder = indigo.variables.folder.create("My New Variable Folder")

# test to see if a folder exists by Name
if ("My New Variable Folder" in indigo.variables.folders):
    # should execute this because we just created it
    indigo.server.log("folder named 'My New Variable Folder' exists")

# test to see if a folder exists by ID
if ( in indigo.variables.folders):
    # should execute this because we just created it
    indigo.server.log("folder id " + + " exists")

# set the remote display flag on the folder immediately
indigo.variables.folder.displayInRemoteUI(newFolder, value=False)

# a ValueError exception with the text "NameNotUniqueError" is thrown if you try to 
# create a folder with a name that already exists
    indigo.variables.folder.create("My New Variable Folder")
except ValueError, e:
    if str(e) == "NameNotUniqueError":
        # should execute this because it's a dup name
        indigo.server.log("folder named 'My New Variable Folder' already exists")
        indigo.server.log("Some other error")

# NOTE - at this point, newFolder.remoteDisplay is still true (default for new folders)
# because we're still working with a copy. Refresh it to get it updated:

# change the name of a folder"My Variable Folder"

# duplicate the folder
indigo.variables.folder.duplicate(newFolder, duplicateName="My Duplicate Folder")

# delete a folder

#test to see if a folder doesn't exist using name
if ("My New Variable Folder" not in indigo.variables.folders):
    # should execute this because we just deleted it
    indigo.server.log("folder named 'My New Variable Folder' does not exist on the server")

# test to see if a folder doesn't exist using ID (was deleted perhaps)
if ( not in indigo.variables.folders):
    # should execute this because we just deleted it
    indigo.server.log("folder id " + + " does not exist on the server")
indigo_2023.1_documentation/folder_class.txt · Last modified: 2023/09/05 19:47 (external edit)

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