Indigo Z-Wave® Association Management

Z-Wave has a couple of mechanisms that allow devices to control and respond to each other directly (similar to how INSTEON links work). Currently, Indigo supports the management of one of these mechanisms - Associations. Some Z-Wave devices can control associations - we'll call them association controllers. These devices may have multiple groups that they can control as well. All devices can respond to an association - we'll call these association responders.

To edit associations, select Interfaces→Z-Wave→Manage Associations….

The Controlling device popup lists all Z-Wave devices in your system that support control associations. Once you select one of those (if you have any), then the Controlling group popup will show how many different association groups the device can control. The Responding devices list shows all Z-Wave devices that are being controlled by the selected device/group. Select any you want to delete and click the Remove Selected Device button to remove them from the association. Select a device from the Device to add popup and click Add Responding Device to add the device to the association.

Z-Wave® is a registered trademark of Sigma Designs, Inc. Indigo's support of Z-Wave hardware is neither endorsed nor certified by Sigma Designs.

indigo_7.4_documentation/indigo_z-wave_associations_management.txt · Last modified: 2020/04/02 21:40 (external edit)

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